~ Chuck The Blogster ~

If there is such a thing as Reincarnation and everytime you come back you come back a little better than the time before... well then I must have been a real Butt the last time around. In Loving Memory Of Marilyn Yvonne Reese Nov. 2, 1938 - Aug. 19, 2006

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Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma, United States

I am my Father's Son, my Mother's Child, and my Daughter's Dad. I beleive in God and Truth, anything else is just plain cheap whiskey. And I miss my Brother, Larry Ray.


he did fine...

i think george w. bush did fine last night. i don't agree with every thing he said, he mentioned a lot of the same things that theodore roosevelt did almost 100 years ago. if you are going to come to america, then be an american. do it legally and assimilate to being an american, learn english and follow our laws and fly our flag. and he ended his speech with, "One Nation Under God".

and right now that's good enough for me.


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